Concert of an Italian choir and choir of Medjugorje

date: 29.09.2005.

On Saturday, 24. 09. 2005, in the crowded church of Medjugorje, two choirs gave a concert together: the Italian choir "I Cantori Veneti" under the direction of maestro Maurizio Betteto, and the Parish choir of the Queen of Peace under the direction of sister Slavica Kozul.

The choir "I Cantori Veneti" was constituted in 1996, thanks to the impulse given by several persons who passionately loved music and Venetian tradition. In Italy, the choir gave several concerts of classical, traditional and national music.

The impulse to come in Medjugorje came on July 25 of the last year. After having sung two Masses and having given a concert in S. Vito di Arsie, whereas they were on the road, not far from the birthplace of Saint Pius X, the guide told them that, in a village of the surroundings, a group of vandals had profaned a statue of the Virgin and that - in this precise moment - the people with their priest were installing a new statue. The guide had proposed to the choir to take part in this ceremony and to sing some songs. The singers accepted this proposal with enthusiasm, and when they understood that it was about the statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje, the desire was born to come to Medjugorje.

The end in the concert was impressive. The two choirs sang together in Croatian the Medjugorje hymn, "We have come, o dear Mother" composed by Fr. Stanko Vasilj. The audience greeted them with a resounding applause.