The 17th International Seminar for Married Couples completed in Medjugorje

date: 14.11.2016.

The 17th International Seminar for Married Couples was held in Medjugorje from 9-12 November with the theme "Be as merciful as your Heavenly Father is" (Lk 6,36). There were around 200 participants from 10 countries, and the lecturers were Fr. Ivan Filipović and married couples from Cenacolo community. Fr. Ivan was the main celebrant of the evening Holy Masses on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday night.

All participants of the seminar, besides morning and afternoon lectures, also participated in the evening prayer programme, and they climbed Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain. Having been spiritually renewed, the participants were opened to the grace of God in the sacrament of reconciliation. The seminar was finished with the Holy Mass on Saturday morning, celebrated by the leader of this Seminar. Fr. Ivan said on that occasion: „Let us thank Gospa for having given us such place. I listened to your testimonies and impressions of this seminar. While you spoke, man can feel true God's presence, how Gospa is really present here, and regardless of who gives lectures or shares testimony, Gospa has the strength to touch human hearts. It is nice to see that you were touched by Her and filled by Her Motherly love, that She took us all to Jesus.” Marital couples had opportunity to renew their marital vows at the end. (photos)