The experience of conversion in Medjugorje

date: 04.07.2016.

Zvonko Smukavić was born in Jugovac close to town Karlovac in Croatia and he lives and works in Canada for more than 40 years. He was in Medjugorje for the 35th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions and this is his fifth time here, after he came in 1982, for the first time. It was on the first anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in 1982 when he experienced his conversion.

 „I came here to pray for my sick father. I came to the parish office and met a priest who introduced himself to me as Fr. Slavko Barbarić. He suggested I come inside the chapel where 6 visionaries were to have the apparition and that was such a joy for me. I was deeply moved by that experience, I cried all the time. Ever since that day, I became the missionary of Medjugorje - that is how people call me in these years. Whenever I can, I speak about the apparitions here and people love that. We can see these days that the whole world is here, I only wish to suggest to people who are not on the good way to come here.

All events in Medjugorje are important and it is important to participate in the Holy mass, to pray Rosary, to climb hills. We can never get passive, we need to advance in our faith all the time“, said Mr. Smukavić.