Walked from Karlovac to Medjugorje

date: 29.09.2017.

63-years old Vera Lakatoš from Osijek and 64-years old Gordana Smitka from Zagreb, came to Medjugorje from Karlovac on Thursday, September 28, after 11 days of walking.

Mrs. Lakatoš was our guest at the radio „Mir“ Međugorje. This is what she said about this pilgrimage: „Many beautiful things happened to us in those 11 days, we met many wonderful people. When it was the most difficult, when we did not know if we could walk for one more step, we never regretted and we were happy to be able to go. The reason why I came here was to thank God for all He gave me, as He really gave me too much. I did not always understand that in that way. I walked with Gordana whom I met in Karlovac for the first time. Once, she wrote on her Facebook page that she is looking for someone to walk with her to Medjugorje. I was thrilled by that, but when that time drew closer, I began to panic. I made decision to go and I would leave all else to God. I never regretted for doing this, even though there were many obstacles and pain and blisters. In each town we would find one person who would take us.“

Mrs. Lakatoš could not hide her tears after they finally came to Medjugorje. „I began to cry of joy, Gordana was silent, I do not know how she felt. She was the initiator of this and she did many good deeds. I came to Medjugorje on several occasions and many pious people live here“, says Mrs. Lakatoš whose father came from Herzegovina to Slavonia and this is what she said at the end:

„I like Herzegovina, feels close to me and reminds me of my dad. I can see this landscape and I recall my father and his stories of Herzegovina, even though he was only 12 when he left this place, he was still very much attached to it.“ (Radio „Mir“ Međugorje/medjugorje.hr)