Easter message from the Provincial Minister of the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina, Fr. Jozo Grbeš

date: 06.04.2023.

Dear friends,

The light is life!  In the light we see.  Life begins when the sun touches the earth.  Yes, light gives life!  This touch of strength and beauty creates life.

Without light we are in darkness.  Darkness makes us lost because we don't know where we're going and we are scared because fear can't see!  Therefore, we are called to constantly move from darkness to light, from fear to love.  "To live is to change, and to be perfect is to change often" (J. H. Newman)

This is how the changeling understands the last chapter of life change.  That growth is proof of the magnificence of life.  Easter, Christ's Easter, may He help us experience that journey towards our Easter!  Without fear! In these days we realize more that we should not be afraid that our life will come to an end, but live knowing that it will have its new beginning.  Easter is really the beginning.  We know it with faith, we live it with love.  That meaning is in fearless love, love that is never afraid.  Amor Omnia Vincit!

Therefore, Easter is our most personal feast, the feast of our destiny that is not afraid but lives in the hope that life will continue its path towards resurrection.

Happy and blessed Easter!

Fr. Jozo Grbeš,
Provincial Minister