Numerous pilgrims from Austria came to Medjugorje in Holy Week

date: 31.03.2010.

Amongst around two thousand pilgrims from Austria who came to Medjugorje on Palm Sunday, we met Alois Epner, 79 years old retired teacher from Upper Austria. He spent his childhood in him homeland Croatia, and after World War II, together with many other people, he ran in front of Partisans to Austria. He came to Medjugorje for the first time in 1984 as pilgrim, and ever since that time he is tireless in his devotion to Our Lady. Talking to Radio station “Mir” Medjugorje about his experiences, he said: “Thanks to influence of Medjugorje, I am more firm and strong in my own faith. I know now, that all those who decide to come to Medjugorje, they are invited from Mother of God and Her Son. There is a huge difference when you observe pilgrims traveling to Medjugorje and those who are traveling back from Medjugorje to Austria. On their way back they are all fulfilled. And that is the sign that they have received what they came to seek – grace”, says Alois, who regularly translates news from Medjugorje in German language.