Week of prayer for the priests

date: 05.07.2020.

Due to the coronavirus pandemics, the international spiritual retreat for the priests that was to be held from July 6-11, 2020, had to be cancelled, this parish plans to pray for the priests in these days now in Medjugorje. We invite and encourage you all to pray intensively for all the priests in this week and the programme of our prayers will be as follows:

-every morning parishioners will be praying on Apparition Hill at 5 am, we invite all those who can, to join us in this prayer

-we offer fasting on Wednesday and Friday for all the priests

-from Thursday to Saturday, we will have three virtual reflections given before the evening prayer programme by our Franciscans, Fr. Marinko Sakota, Fr. Ljubo Kurtovic and Fr. Stanko Cosic.

Parish of St. James Medjugorje